Half a century of history

The origins of what today is known as GM AUDITORS S.L., one of the pioneer auditing firms in our country, dates back to January 28th 1966, the date of the first report issued by Ricard García Micola who years later and along with a group of collaborators, transformed his professional office as auditor, in what would be the first Audit Society member of the Institute of Chartered Accounts of Spain (Instituto de Censores Jurados de Cuentas de España).

Its registration number in the Institute, the 1st, is still hold today by GM AUDITORS SL, whose main objective is focused on the audit of accounts and consulting services related to the audit field.

The target group of these services are entities belonging to any of the three sectors, the business, the public and the social sectors. From our office located in Barcelona we cover clients located throughout Spain and Portugal.

Our values

– Ethics, which demands a concrete way of personal conduct
– Independence in the development of the tasks
– Responsibility to a professional individual level and to a collective Firm level
– Commitment with the environment and with our history